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Dial design of the catalytic probe thermometers

Thermometers, Backsavers, etc.

Innovative thermometers, backsaver totes, and attractive air supply ventilators. Check out our assortment of home products.

Main Condar website

Close-up of Condar etching on can of ceramic combustor

Catalytic Combustors

Maximize the warmth of your catalytic woodstove with a replacement catalyst from Condar, the catalytic combustor experts. Every Condar catalyst is carefully fabricated to precise dimensions in our North Carolina factory.

Condar combustors

Condar fireplace mesh screen curtain

Fireplace Mesh Screens

Functional, visually appealing, and made to last. Available in twenty-one popular sizes from 16 inches through 36 inches tall. Sets include two panels, totaling 48 inches wide, for an attractive natural drape effect on most fireplaces.

Condar Fireplace Screens